Mirko Blagojević

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification: PhD 2003


  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Head of the Institute’s Forum for Religious Issues
  • Member of the Ethical Board of ISS

Fields of research

Sociology of religion; religious changes in contemporary society; (de)secularization of Serbian society; youth religiosity; Orthodoxy in an empirical perspective; religious situation in Russia and the region.

Current research projects

“Individual and social relevance of religion in modern Serbia”


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification: PhD 2003

Mirko Blagojevic holds bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in sociology from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy. He is a principal research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, and the head of the Institute’s Forum for Religious Issues. His primary fields of work are the sociological study of religion and the research of (Orthodox) religiosity in transitional societies of Serbia, the Balkans, and Russia. He worked at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography, the Higher Technical School of Vocational Studies in Pozarevac, the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade, and the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic, Montenegro. On several occasions, he held seminars for students and professors of the Faculty of Sociology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Belgorod State Research University from Belgorod, Russia.  From 2011 to 2014 he was the head of the project of basic research at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. He was also the head of the III project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development at the Institute of Social Sciences, named Social Transformation in the Process of European Integration: a Multidisciplinary Approach. In addition, he was the head of scientific-research projects funded by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung from Belgrade and Wilfred Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels. Mirko Blagojevic is the president of the Program Committee and the main organizer of the Institute of Social Sciences’ annual international conferences and roundtables on religiosity. He is the editor and co-editor of several notable international collections of papers in English and Russian. He published over 100 scientific papers in domestic and foreign journals, and 3 monographs: “Approaching Orthodoxy”, Junir and Gradina, Nis, 1995; “Religion and the Church in Transformations of Society”, IP Filip Visnjic and the Insitute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade, 2005; “The vitality of religion in a (de)secularized society”, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, 2015.

Membership of professional organisations

Yugoslav Association for Scientific Research of Religion

Work in education

– Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, 1990–1998

– Higher Technical School, Požarevac, 1999–2005

– Faculty of Philosophy, Nikšić, 2009–2012

– University of Belgrade, masters’ program „Religion in Society, Culture and European integration“, 2014–. 

Major publications

Blagojević, Mirko (2012). Religious and confessional identification and faith in God among the citizens of Serbia. Filozofija i društvo, 23 (1). pp. 40–52.

Blagojević, Mirko (2013). Contemporary Religiousness of University Students and Desecularization of Serbian Society. In: Mirko Blagojević, Jelena Jablanov Maksimović, Tijana Bajović (ed.) (Post)Sekular turn: Religious, Moral and Socio-Political Values of the Student Population in Serbia. Centre for Religious Studies of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory; Konrad Adenauer Foundation; Centre for European Studies, Beograd, pp. 13–62

Blagojević, Mirko (2015). Vitalnost religije u (de)sekularizovanom društvu: (desekularizacija srpskog i ruskog društva). Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd.

Blagojević, Mirko and Jovanović Ajzenhamer, Nataša (2021). Religiosity in Serbia and other religiously homogeneous European societies: A comparative perspective. Sociologija, 63 (2). pp. 314–335.

Blagojević, Mirko and Lebedev, Sergej (2022). Propravoslavni konsenzus i religijske nejednakosti: prema analizi religijske situacije u postsovjetskoj Rusiji. In: V. Filipović i I. Todorović (ur.), Etno-kulturološki zbornik za proučavanje kulture istočne Srbije i susednih oblasti: tradicija, religija, mitologija istraživanja drevne prošlosti i njenih savremenih ispoljavanja. Centar za turizam, kulturu i sport, Niš, pp. 233–247.

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