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Fields of research

international relations; soft power; Western Balkans, political ideologies


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification 2018.

Born in 1991 in Požarevac, where he graduated from Požarevac High School in 2010. In 2015, he obtained a diploma in political science at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences, where three years later he also earned a master’s degree in politics on the module “Public Administration, Local Self-Government and Public Policies”. Since 2020, as a recipient of an OSCE doctoral scholarship, he has been enrolled as a student of doctoral academic studies in the “International and European Studies” program at his home faculty. He participated in several international scientific conferences and has so far published several papers focused on various aspects of US, Russian and Polish politics. He speaks fluent English, and Russian conversationally

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

OSCE doctoral scholarship for 2020/2021

Major publications

Blagojević, M. (2017). „Oživljavanje konzervativizma Nove Evrope: religija i politika u Poljskoj“, u Mirko Blagojević (ur.) Religija u savremenom društvu, Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd, str. 151–164

Blagojević, M. (2019). „Faith, Ideology and the Information age: Universal Spirituality of Generation Y“, u Mirko Blagojević, Zlatko Matić (ur.) Different forms of religiosity and the modern world, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade & Department of Education and Culture, Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Braničevo, Požarevac, str. 41–55

Cvetićanin, N.; Blagojević, M. (2019). „Unutrašnji konflikti i spoljna politika SAD između intervencionizma i izolacionizma“. Srpska politička misao 65, 3, str. 43–62


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