Fields of research

Cultural policy and political culture; anthropological theories; social theories

Current research projects

Within the ongoing project: “Individual and social relevance of religion in contemporary Serbia”, supervision of the sub-project: “Religion, politics and public space”


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification 2011.

Ljubomir Hristic graduated in 2004. by accelerated procedure, after only two years of study, as the 1st ranked student of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, with a GPA of 9.81, at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology. He obtained his masters degree, in the field of cultural anthropology, in 2006. (GPA 10), and PhD (GPA 10), analyzing the cultural construction of borders, in 2011, both at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. He participated in numerous conferences, in the field of social sciences and humanities (in Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Greece). He has published six monographs, and works in relevant domestic and international publications. His areas of interest include cultural policy, political culture, economic identities.

Major publications

Hristić, Ljubomir (2018) Social Culture: reevaluating the Paradigm. Series Monographs. Institute of social sciences, Belgrade.

Hristić, Ljubomir (2017) Policies and Practice of Political Culture: Theory and Sustainabilty. Institute of social sciences, Belgrade.

Hristić, Ljubomir (2014) Politics of Culture and the Modernity: society and change. Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd.

Hristić, Ljubomir (2012) Granice kao kulturni konstrukt: mitološki arhetip Američkog Zapada. Etnoantropološki problemi. eMONOGRAFIJE (4). Univerzitet, Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Centar za proučavanje folklora i popularne kulture, Beograd.

Hristić, Ljubomir (2012) Heroji Divljeg zapada: prikazi i prvobitne naseobine. Etnoantropološki problemi. eMONOGRAFIJE (5). Univerzitet, Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Centar za proučavanje folklora i popularne kulture, Beograd.

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