Jelena Đurić

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification PhD 2010

Fields of research

philosophical and sociocultural anthropology, axiology (primarily in the context of global changes and identity transformations);  epistemology; philosophy of science (especially epistemological roles of paradigmatic views of the world)

Current research projects

philosophy of existentialism; anthropology of identity; ecology of mind


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification PhD 2010

PhD in Philosophical Anthropology in 2010 at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, with the disertation “Global Processes and Transformation of Identity: Anthropological Aspects” (mentor prof. Milan Vukomanović).

MA in Philosophical Anthropology in 2006 from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, with the topic: “Changes and Values and Social Change (with reference to disintegration of Yugoslav society)” (mentor prof. Zagorka Golubović)

BS in Philosophy in 1989, at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, with the topic: “Some philosophical problems of modern science” (mentor prof. Stanisa Novakovic).

Work in education

2015–2021, University of Belgrade’s doctoral studies, within the interdisciplinary Department of History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences and Technology

Major publications

Ђурић, Јелена (2022) О вези филозофије и науке Филозофија и наука (133–145), Зборник САНУ, САНУ, Филозофски факултет.

Đurić, Jelena (2021) The modern age and a sense of presence. Теорија, 64(2), 69–78

Ђурић, Јелена (2020) Људска природа и контекст напретка, Филозофска истраживања 40, 2, 2020: 215–231

Ђурић, Јелена (2016) Колективни идентитет у Србији данас, Српска политичка мисао, 2016 (3): 31–50)

Ђурић, Јелена (2012) Глобални процеси и преображај идентитета, Београд: Институт за филозофију и друштвену теорију, Албатрос плус.

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