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Fields of research

Landscape valorisation, interrelation of natural and social environmental phenomena, data fusion, machine learning and artificial intelligence in geospatial data processing and analysis.

Current research projects

Environmental change detection; data fusion; landscape transformation and its impact on the environment; multi-criteria analysis of geospatial data and landscape valorisation in the context of public policy; sustainable development; improving the quality of life in communities facing socio-ecological challenges.


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification 2018.

Dr Ivan Potić was born in 1982 in Pirot. He completed his undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, where he obtained a PhD in Geosciences in 2018. He began his career as a Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing specialist at the Republic Geodetic Authority, where he participated in several significant projects, including the “National Action Programme to Combat Desertification” conducted under the auspices of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the project “Advancing medium and long-term adaptation planning in the Republic of Serbia” funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. He also contributed to implementing the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA II 2014-2020 project, “Flood Risk Maps Developed for Sub-basins and Flood Protection Improved,” funded by the European Union. Furthermore, he participated in the project “Establishment of the Building Register,” funded by the World Bank, and the “Serbia Land Cover Map,” which involved multispectral analysis of SPOT 5 satellite imagery following Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) specifications.

Since 2022, he has been employed at the Military Geographical Institute “General Stevan Bošković” as a project manager, where he led the project “Improvement of Terrain Model Methodology Using Various Data Collection Techniques.” As a member of the scientific project “Geotopographic Data Collection Using Unmanned Aerial Photogrammetric Systems,” he received an award for his contributions to this research project. He also served as Deputy Chair and Secretary of the Scientific Council at the Military Geographical Institute.

Since November 2024, he has been employed at the Centre for Demographic Research at the Institute of Social Sciences.

 Membership of professional organisations

  • Serbian geographical society

Work in education

  • Member of the committee for assessing the acceptability of the topic and suitability of the candidate Vladimir Petrović for the preparation of a doctoral thesis titled “Innovative Approach to the Management and Protection of Surface Water Resources Using Geographic Information Systems” (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, decision date of the Teaching-Scientific Council: 18 March 2021).
  • Member of the committee for assessing the acceptability of the topic and suitability of the candidate Viktor Marković for the preparation of a doctoral thesis titled “3D Modelling of Rural Areas Through the Integration of Low-Resolution Geospatial Data” (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, decision date of the Teaching-Scientific Council: 14 March 2024).
  • Member of the committee for drafting the Evaluation Report on the doctoral dissertation and member of the committee for the defence of the doctoral dissertation by the candidate Ljiljana Mihajlović, titled “Ecological and Rural Transformation of Mountain Areas in Western Serbia in the Context of Sustainable Development” (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, date of dissertation defence: 17 April 2024).

Major publications


  • Potić, I., Golić, R., Joksimović, T. (2016): Analysis of Insolation Potential of Knjaževac Municipality (Serbia) Using Multi-Criteria Approach, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, Elsevier, pp. 235–245.
  • Potić, I., Joksimović, T., Milinčić, U., Kićović, D., Milinčić, M. (2021): Wind energy potential for the electricity production – Knjaževac Municipality case study (Serbia). Energy Strategy Reviews, 33, 100589.
  • Potić, I., Mihajlović, M. Lj., Šimunić, V., Ćurčić, B. N., Milinčić, M. (2022): Deforestation as a cause of increased surface runoff in the catchment: Remote Sensing and SWAT approach – A case study of southern Serbia. Front. Environ. Sci., 10:896404
  • Marković, V., Potić, I., Đorđević, D., Stojković, S., & Drobnjak, S. (2024). LiDAR and maps blend for rural decision support. Transactions in GIS, 28(6), pp. 1683–1704.
  • Mihajlovic, Lj., Potić, I., Milinčić, M., Đorđević, D. (2024). The influence of rural areas transformation on the urban heat islands occurrence – tourist center Zlatibor case study.  Időjárás 128(3), pp. 345–366.


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