Ivan Nikolić

Year of obtaining the highest degree

Head of the Centre for Economic Research

Fields of research

Economic policy, development and economic system, macroeconomic environment, international economy, etc


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification 2014

 Ivan Nikolić (1975, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia), since March 2024, has been employed at IDN, in the position of Senior Scientific Associate. At the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade, he graduated, with a master’s and doctorate, defending his doctoral dissertation on January 16, 2014: “Effects of privatization on the performance of industrial companies in Serbia”. In 2001, he completed the IMF Institute’s “Financial Programming and Policy” course. He is on professional training in the USA (2006) and the People’s Republic of China (2011 and 2015).

He began his working career in 2002 at the Institute of Economic Sciences. Since March 2004, he has worked at the Economic Institute a.d. – first, as a research associate, since August 2014 as the Director of Scientific Research Development.

From 13.11.2012. until 14.2.2024. is a member of the Council of Governors of the NBS. Since September 2015, he has also been a member of the Audit Committee of the NBS.

Since 2003, he has been the co-author, and since 2017, the editor of the professional newsletter “Macroeconomic Analyzes and Trends – MAT”, a unique monthly publication in macroeconomic research.

He participated in the development and/or management of over 70 projects, many of which have strategic national and regional importance. For example: “Action Plan for the Implementation of the Industrial Policy Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2030” (Ministry of Economy); “Monitoring the effects of the implementation of name transfers in social protection” (Republic Secretariat for Public Policies PERFORM, 2018); “Post-crisis model of economic growth and development of Serbia 2011-2020” (USAID, 2010); “Development Strategy of the Republic of Srpska” (EI Banjaluka, 2010); “Economic position of industrial branches and growth projections 2011-2020 in the Republic of Serbia” (Ministry of Economy); “Development of an early warning system for the possibility of a currency and financial crisis in Serbia” (NBS, 2008); “Possible ways of restructuring the industry of Serbia” (UNCTAD, 2007); “National strategy of economic development 2006-2012”; “National strategy of Serbia for SCG accession to the European Union” (2005); “Analytical-informative basis for SCG’s negotiations with EFTA” (Ministry of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, 2004); “Competitiveness of the Serbian economy” (Jefferson Institute and NBS, 2003).

From October 18, 2021. as a representative of the Republic of Serbia, he also participates in the work of the Management Committee for the COST action CA20112 – PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for Improved EU policy and Better ACKnovledgement.

Membership of professional organisations

  • Society Economists of Belgrade
  • Association of Serbian Economists


Work in education

  • Diplomatic Academy (2022-), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, course “Basics of constitutional, political and economic organization of the Republic of Serbia”
  • Former lecturer at the Belgrade Open School and the Faculty of Banking, Insurance and Finance


Major publications

  • Nikolić, Ivan (2023). Ekonomija Srbije praćena optikom MAT-a u periodu 2000-2012, Ekonomski institut, Beograd.
  • Nikolić, Ivan (2023). Ekonomija Srbije praćena optikom MAT-a u periodu 2013-2020, Ekonomski institut, Beograd.
  • Nikolić, Ivan (2023). Ekonomija Srbije praćena optikom MAT-a u periodu 2020-2023, Ekonomski institut, Beograd.
  • Nikolić, Goran & Nikolić, Ivan (2023). Can Structural Indicators of Trade Explain Why EU Candidate Countries Are Integrating Slowly? Eastern European Economics. DOI: 10.1080/00128775.2023.2219243
  • Maksimović, Marijana & Nikolić, Ivan (2024), The Impact of Migratory Movements on The Labor Market in The Western Balkans Countries, Stanovništvo (2024): 1-19. DOI: 10.59954/stnv.531

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