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Ivan Marinković

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification PhD, 2016.

Editor-in-chief of the journal Stanovništvo

Fields of research

Mortality (differential mortality, causes of death; avoidable mortality), population ageing, population growth

Current research projects

Avoidable mortality, mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification

PhD, 2016.

Ivan Marinković was born in 1980 in Kragujevac. He graduated from the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Department of Demography, in 2004. He finished his post-graduate studies in demography (M.A.) at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade in 2010, defending his master thesis entitled „Causes of deaths in Serbia 1950–2006“. He defended his PhD entitled „Difference in mortality by sex in Serbian population“ in 2016 at the Faculty of

Science of the University of Novi Sad.

Ivan Marinković has been employed since 2008 at the Demographic Research Center of Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade. First as a research trainee, and then as a research assistant. He held the title of research associate in the period 2017–2022. He holds the current title of senior research associate from May 25, 2022. In the period 2005-2008. was a fellowship holder of the Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia.

The results of academic work and research of Ivan Marinković include about 50 authored and co-authored papers in scientific journals and proceedings. The topics in the field of demography that Ivan Marinković deals with are different, and most often related to the mortality of the population. In addition, he was also involved in the research of population structures, as well as certain aspects of the migration and population growth.

Membership of professional organisations

Association of Demographers of Serbia

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

2005-2008, Fellowship holder – Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia

Major publications

Marinković, I., Tramošljanin, A., Galjak, M. (2023). Assessing the availability and quality of COVID-19 mortality data in Europe: a comparative analysis. European Journal of Public Health.

Marinković, I. (2022). Efekat smrtnosti koja se može izbeći na očekivano trajanje života u Srbiji 2010–2019. Stanovništvo, 60(1), 53–68.

Marinković, I. (2021) Demografska analiza uticaja zdravstvene zaštite i javnog zdravlja na trendove smrtnosti stanovništva Srbije. Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd.

Marinković, I., M. Galjak (2021). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on mortality in Serbia in 2020. Teme 45 (4). pp. 1261–1273.

Marinković, Ivan (2017). Pušenje kao osnovni faktor preventabilne smrtnosti u Srbiji. Stanovništvo, 55 (1). pp. 87–106.

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