Dejana Vukasović

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification Ph.D. 2007.

  • for evaluation of scientific-research work of researchers


Fields of research

European Integration; Europe and Identity; International Relations

Current research projects

Western Balkans; EU identity; discourse theory and analysis


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification Ph.D. 2007.

Dejana Vukasović graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade. She holds the Master of Laws (LLM), as well as a postgraduate diploma from the University of Nancy (University of Lorraine), France. She also earned her PhD at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of the University of Nancy (University of Lorraine), France.

She pursued her research career at the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade. In parallel, she was a guest lecturer at the master academic studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade. From 2022, she has been a lecturer at the doctoral studies department of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. She also worked as a teaching associate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade within the framework of cooperation between the Faculty of Law and the University of Lorraine, France. Previously, she was employed in the European Integration Office of the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

In the course of her academic career to date, she has published five scientific monographs and more than seventy scientific papers in national and foreign scientific journals and books.

Membership of professional organisations

EISA – European International Studies Association

UACES – University Association for Contemporary European Studies

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

– Scholarship for outstanding students, Ministry of science and technology, Republic of Serbia (1997);

– Scholarship for outstanding students, Ministry of science and technology, Republic of Serbia (1999);

– French Government Scholarship for master studies and postgraduate studies at the European University Center, University Nancy 2 (University of Lorraine), France (1997–1998);

– French Government Scholarship for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, University Nancy 2 (University of Lorraine), France (2001)

Work in education

2022 – Lecturer, Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade;

2012–2020 – Visiting Lecturer, Master Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade;

2004–2007 – Teaching Associate, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (courses taught in French within the framework of cooperation between the Faculty of Law and the University of Lorraine, France)

Major publications

Vukasović, D., & Stojadinović, M. (2023). On Pan-Slavism, Brotherhood, and Mythology: The Imagery of Contemporary Geopolitical Discourse in Serbia. In M. Suslov, M. Čejka & V. Đorđević (eds.), Pan-Slavism and Slavophilia in Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 123–153). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Vukasović, D., & Jaskułowski, K. (2019). L’Union européenne comme acteur des relations internationales et le rôle de la Pologne: une relation ambiguë. Annuaire français de relations internationales, 20, 473–491.

Vukasović, D. (2020). The EU actorness and the Western Balkans: Towards Permanent Liminality? In J. House & T. Kaniklidou (eds.), Europe in Discourse: Agendas of Reform (pp. 216–226). Nashua, New Hampshire: Hellenic-American University.

Vukasović, D. (2018). European Union and Otherness: The Case of Balkans. Sprawy Narodowosciowe, Seria nowa, 50, 1–12.

Vukčević, D. (2013). Evropska unija kao strateški akter. Teorija i praksa bezbednosne i odbrambene politike EU. Beograd: Institut za političke studije.


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