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Anja Žujović

Year of obtaining the highest degree

Мастер, 2022. Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду


Fields of research

Socio-cultural factors of mental health, psychology of resilience, social inclusion, group affiliation and social identity


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification Master 2022, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad

 She enrolled in Bachelor’s degree program in psychology in 2016 and graduated in 2020. The same year, she started her master academic studies in psychology – at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. During her studies, she was twice a scholarship recipient of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia. In 2022 she has enrolled in PhD study program in psychology, at the Faculty of Philosophy (University of Novi Sad).

She has many years of experience in the field of social inclusion, being engaged in the Citizens’ Association Patrija, focusing on the empowerment of marginalized groups with experience of psychiatric hospitalization, poverty, and stigmatization.

Currently, she is an active member of the Association of Interpreters and Translators for Sign Language – Novi Sad. She is the co-author of the projects called “Hearing is not the only way to hear the needs of others” and “Human needs are loud even in silence”, in which she is educating the public about (sub)culture and language of the Deaf community and is participating in creation of more accessible environment for deaf and hard of hearing people.

Membership of professional organisations:

Serbian Psychological Society

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

Scholarship recipient of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia – Dositeja (2020, 2021)

Work in education

Education of students and professors about the (sub)culture and language of the Deaf community – project-engaged educator (Association of Interpreters and Translators for Sign Language Novi Sad)

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