Meeting of the IDN International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board helps researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences to develop the knowledge and skills needed to transform the Institute into a regional center of excellence and to bring our social sciences into the European research space. At the second meeting of the IAB, the Institute’s work between the two annual sessions of this body, strategic dilemmas of development, scientific infrastructure and the future of social sciences were discussed.

The SAIGE project, implemented by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation with the support of the World Bank and the European Commission, enabled this continuous professional support for the Institute, which contributed to its clear strategic orientation based on the development of fundamental research and its opening to public policies, the economy and, above all, society.

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Јавни конкурс за попуњавање радног места – директор Института друштвених наука

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30. 11. 2022.

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