Sexual Harassment in the Field of Work

As part of the lecture series “New Views, Perspectives and Research on Gender Theory” of the Study and Research Group for Gender Equality and Public Policy of the ISS, Dr. Mario Reljanović, research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, held an online lecture on February 9, 2022. “Sexual Harassment in the Field of Work“.

Sexual harassment was primarily presented from a normative point of view, having in mind a number of regulations that recognize and sanction it. Dr. Mario Reljanović pointed out inconsistencies in standardization, new tendencies in the development of legislation and the use of the terms “sexual harassment” and “gender-based harassment” as synonyms. The most important elements of sexual harassment were analyzed, using the normative definition from the Law on Gender Equality. On that occasion, Dr. Reljanović pointed out the doubts that were created in the practice of application of regulations and judicial protection of victims of sexual harassment, citing several characteristic cases, including those that did not receive a court epilogue.

During the lecture the results of the research published in 2020 that indicate a wide range of acts of sexual harassment that women encounter in Serbia, as well as the significant prevalence of this phenomenon at work and in connection with work, were pointed out several times. In addition to the analysis of practical examples, significant attention was paid to the fact that only a small percentage of cases of sexual harassment were detected and that the most common epilogue of this illicit act is its concealment by both the perpetrator and the victim. Distrust of institutions, inefficient victim protection system and the possibility of secondary victimization, as well as the victim’s fear of rejection and condemnation of the immediate environment (partner, family, friends, work team) were the most common causes of such outcomes.

During the discussion, it was especially emphasized that the problem of sexual harassment was widespread, that it was a form of gender-based violence and that it was important to talk about this problem as much as possible and to work on prevention but also empowering and encouraging victims to share their experiences, and to be provided with timely and complete protection.

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30. 11. 2022.

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