Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences, 2020
Edited by
Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences Požarevac, Department of Education and Culture, Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Braničevo, 2019.
Edited by
Belgrade, Institute of social sciences, 2019
Edited by
Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences, 2019.
Edited by
Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences Požarevac, Department of Education and Culture, Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Braničevo, 2019.
Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences, Academic Network for Cooperation in South East Europe Ljubljana, Institute for Ethnic Studies Zagreb, Center for International and Security Studies of Faculty of Political Sciences, 2018
Belgrade, Institute of social sciences, 2018
Edited by
Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences Pozarevac, Department of Education and Culture, Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Branicevo, 2017
Belgrade, Čigoja štampa, Institute of Social Sciences, 2017
Belgrade, Institute of social sciences, 2017
Сремски Карловци, Нови Сад, Издавачка књижарница Зорана Стојановића Београд, Институте оф Социал Сциенцес, 2012
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