(The texts of the agreements and memoranda are in Serbian)
Agreement on cooperation between ISS and the National Demographic Institute (INED)
Agreement on cooperation between ISS and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia
Memorandum of Cooperation between ISS and the Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (ISCOMET)
Agreement on Cooperation between ISS and the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade
Protocol on Cooperation between ISS and the Vojvodina Bar Association
Memorandum of Cooperation between ISS and the Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana
Memorandum of Cooperation between ISS and the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka
Agreement between ISS and the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade
Agreement between ISS and the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade
Agreement between ISS and Belgorod State University, Russia
Agreement between ISS and the Institute of Economic Sciences
Agreement between ISS and the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities
Agreement between ISS and the Institute for Social and Political Psychology, Ukraine
Memorandum between ISS and The Center For Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (CCSDD)
Agreement between ISS and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Memorandum of the Academic Cooperation Network in Southeast Europe
Agreement between ISS and the Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
Agreement between ISS and the Anti-Corruption Agency
Agreement on Cooperation between ISS and the Serbian Ministry of Health
Memorandum of Cooperation between ISS and Europa Nostra Austria
Memorandum of Cooperation between ISS and Faculty of Economics and Business, Belgrade
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