International scientific conference “The Influence of the Quality of Institutions on Sustainable Development”

The international scientific conference The Influence of the Quality of Institutions on Sustainable Development brought together researchers from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Oman, Great Britain and Hungary to exchange opinions and knowledge on the topic of the influence of quality institutional arrangements in achieving sustainable development goals. The conference was organized by the Institute of Social Sciences (Center for Economic Research) in cooperation with the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje and the Faculty of Law of the University of Zenica.

The goal of the conference was also to consider the further directions of sustainable development and the role of institutions in the newly created circumstances when, in addition to the dangers due to climate change and pollution, other forms of crisis also appear. During the conference, 45 lectures by authors from various scientific fields were held, which indicates that the mentioned issues were viewed as multidisciplinary with the aim of better understanding the causes and finding effective solutions.

As the issues of democracy, institutions and their roles in sustainable development become more and more important, the participants analyzed how institutions can contribute to the economic development of the country, while at the same time reducing the negative impact on the environment. Conducting an environmental policy that will not limit economic growth rates is a major challenge for policymakers around the world.

Special attention is paid to the issues of the impact of polycrisis on the institutions and development of European countries, the phenomenon of state capture, the green transition that should be at the center of the new social contract that reconnects society and institutions, as well as good governance and how it is possible to improve the efficiency of institutions in achieving sustainable development goals.

The conference provided an opportunity for cooperation between researchers and scientific institutions. It influenced the creation of a scientific network for the exchange of innovative research results and approaches to modern economic-ecological challenges.


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Јавни конкурс за попуњавање радног места – директор Института друштвених наука

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30. 11. 2022.

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