International Scientific Conference: Processes, Trends, Domains, and Limitations of Religious Changes in the Contemporary World

The international sociological-religious scientific conference titled “Processes, Trends, Domains and Limitations of Religious Changes in the Contemporary World: (De)secularization, Post-secularization, Revitalization of Religion – Theoretical Assumptions and Empirical Evidence” was held at Silver Lake on April 5th and 6th, 2019. The event was organized by the Forum for Religious Issues and the Center for Sociological and Anthropological Research of the Institute of Social Sciences, with partner support from the Yugoslav Association for Scientific Research in Religion from Niš and the Education and Culture Committee of the Diocese of Požarevac-Braničevo.

Thirty-five domestic and foreign authors participated in the conference. The event included a plenary session and five thematic sessions, with a total of 23 presentations submitted.

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