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International Conference “The Nineties: Serbs and Croats in Regional and Global Context”

The Serbian Archives in Croatia, the journal “Tragovi,” and the Institute of Social Sciences are organizing an international scientific conference titled “The Nineties: Serbs and Croats in Regional and Global Context,” on November 24 and 25, 2023, at the premises of the Serbian Business Association “Privrednik.”

The nineties were a decade of wars, transitions, and the construction of new identities in post-Yugoslav countries. Even thirty years later, the events and processes that occurred during that time significantly impact the bilateral relations between participating countries, as well as the dynamics of internal politics. This particularly applies to Serbian-Croatian relations but also to Serbian-Albanian, Croatian-Bosniak, and Serbian-Bosniak relations.

The conference aims to present the state of research on the studies of the nineties, in the context of the then and current Serbian-Croatian relations. It seeks to identify less-explored topics, present new evidence and documents, as well as new interpretations of the events and processes of that time.

In this context, the following topics will be the focus of the participants: political and economic aspects of the transition and its (un)success in Yugoslavia before its dissolution, potential alternatives to war in Yugoslavia and post-Yugoslav countries (anti-war organizations, civil society, anti-nationalism, critical intelligence, etc.), war aims and intentions of all involved parties, all aspects of the war’s impact on internal processes and bilateral relations of participating countries, violence against members of national minorities, political opponents, and Yugoslavs during the nineties, war and the reconstruction of national identities in countries, the role of international actors during the nineties, lessons that can be learned from the nineties and potentially applied in the contemporary context of the war in Ukraine and elsewhere.

The conference languages will be Croatian/Serbian and English.


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