International Conference “Changes” Opens

Photo by Marko Popović
Photo by Marko Popović

On Thursday, In the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), the international scientific conference titled “Changes”, organized by the Institute of Social Sciences, was ceremonially opened.

The immediate reason for organizing this conference was to mark the 65th anniversary of the Institute. In his address to the participants, president of the SANU, Vladimir Kostić, said that “we live in the time of fundamental interregnum,” adding with a smile that changes haunted today’s world like a specter, which indicated that we lived in an era which requires constant persuasion that reality had alternative.

Jovan Bazić, chairman of the Managing Board of the Institute, stressed in his address that the world and people lived through major changes in the last three decades: “Many desired and undesired changes, armed conflicts, NATO aggression, reconstruction of the national identity, new languages and cultural patterns.” However, in his words, the world shared some common problems, primarily concerning humans’ environment, technological development and security issues. Bazić said it was necessary to direct the oncoming changes, by recognizing tendencies, because it was the only way to avoid conflicts and wars, strengthen social responsibility and conquer poverty, as well as to identify new models of social organization and management.

Director of the Institute, Goran Bašić, said that this year was important for the Institute for two reasons: “First, the Institute has been accredited as an institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia, and the results, not only of the Institute’s employees, but also of the previous generations that left their mark in its work, have thus received recognition. Second, the consulting house in the field of scientific institutions, INOMER, has recognized the Institute as an institution with a potential of becoming a regional center of excellence.”

Speaking of future plans, Bašić proposed for the SANU to initiate a project on the history of social sciences in Serbia, where “a major part of that history” belonged, in his words, to the Institute of Social Sciences.

After the introductory addresses, literary critic and publicist, Gojko Božović, chaired a discussion with the conference guests, author Vesna Goldsworty, literary theorist and historian Darko Suvin and publicist and sociologist Aleksa Đilas.

The conference is participated in by 24 scientists and professors from the countries of ex-Yugoslavia. The working part of the conference is held in the Institute of Social Sciences and can be followed via Zoom platform. The conference closes on Saturday.


Friday, October 28, 2022

LEVIJATAN I HOMO BALCANICUS (from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Meeting ID: 926 9465 0109
Passcode: 546922

WELFARE STATE vs. NEOLIBERALISM (from 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
Meeting ID: 985 3783 5709
Passcode: 796665

THE WORLD AROUND US (from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.)
Meeting ID: 987 0596 7634
Passcode: 049737

Saturday, October 29, 2022

LIFE IS A COURSE (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Meeting ID: 983 1445 7427
Passcode: 832172


Conference Programme

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Book of Abstracts in Serbian

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