IN MEMORIAM: Živko Surčulija

Živko (Svetozar) Surčulija was born on June 20, 1945. in Sremski Mihaljevci. He graduated from the Zemun Grammar School, where he was a member of the management of the Fund of Former Graduates and Professors of the Zemun Grammar School until the last day. He graduated in 1968 from the Political-Administrative Department of the Faculty of Law, the University of Belgrade, where he received his master’s degree and doctorate in 1976.

He worked at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy from 1974 to 2010 as an assistant, docent, associate, full professor and the Head of the Department of Social Sciences, and at the Institute of Social Sciences.

Some of his most important works are: “The Social Anatomy of Nationalism” (Mladost, 1976), “Who Rules the Nation?” (Rad, 1982), “Different Concepts and Types of Nationalism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries” (MIT Press, Cambridge, vol.1, Num. 2, April 1996.), “Sociological Chrestomathies with Comments” (co-author with Dr. P. Radenović); (Zavod za udžbenike, 1999), “Liberalism, socialism and nationalism in the transition of Serbian society and a view to the coming years” – a chapter in the monograph “Changes in Values and Transition in Serbia: A Look to the Future”, (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Institute of Social Sciences, 2003), “Contributions to Sociology” (Foto-Futura, 2011.).

He was a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

He left behind his daughters Jelena and Vesna and grandsons Filip and Stefan.


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