Human needs are loud even in silence

As part of the cycle of lectures by new researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences, Anja Žujović, a Researcher Trainee from the Centre for Politicological Research and Public Opinion, held a lecture on May 15, 2024 in the Great Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences on the topic „Human needs are loud even in silence”.

The lecture was devoted to the socio-cultural perspective and recognition of the Deaf community as a subcultural linguistic minority. For many years, deafness has been viewed with a focus on physical deficiency, mostly with negative connotations. This model is increasingly being questioned, emphasizing the unique qualities and strengths of deaf individuals, where being part of the Deaf community can be seen as a positive attribute. From this perspective, the lecture aimed to provide insight into a better understanding of the Deaf community, as a subcultural linguistic minority. The special focus of the lecture was on the challenges they face due to communication barriers, which often lead to social isolation and difficulties in realizing their potential in various life domains. Deaf people are accompanied by a feeling of confusion and abandonment, but also difficulties in achieving belonging among their peers and being treated as equals.

One of the types of help in overcoming obstacles in communication is certainly the recognition of sign language as an equal language. In that sense, it was emphasized that the majority of deaf people do not use sign language as their native language and that some deaf people encounter it only in adulthood. One of the reasons is certainly the insufficient number of interpreters who know sign language. During the discussion, it was pointed out that there is no adequate systemic and institutional framework for hiring interpreters and that interpreters are mostly family members or friends of deaf people.

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