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Demographers’ Recommendation to Fight Depopulation: Strengthening Human Resources and Education

The report National Human Development Report for Serbia is offering possible new courses of action in response to depopulation in our country.

It covers nine policy areas and was developed by a team of leading international and local researchers.

The fifth National Human Development Report for Serbia, Human Development as a Response to Demographic Changes 2022 prepared by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with the support of the United Nations Population Fund  (UNFPA) was officially presented in the Small hall of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on 27 May.

This strategic document was created following the initiative of the President of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, in an effort to create a broader and long-term response to the challenges of a shrinking and aging population.

The speakers were Francine Pickup, UNDP Resident Representative, and Mr. John F. Kennedy Mosotti, UNFPA Director for Serbia.

The event was opened by the President of the Assembly Ivica Dačić and the speaker were the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ Affairs and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

Dr. Vladimir Nikitović, Principal Research Fellow and Head of the Center for Demographic Research at the Institute of Social Sciences, was the author of the grounding part on demography in this Report entitled:

“The multifaceted nature of depopulation in Serbia – recent trends and prospects.”


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