Christianity and Diplomacy: the relationship of mediation and complementarity between the Church and Realpolitik

Within the framework of the project of the Center for Sociological and Anthropological Research “Individual and social relevance of religion in contemporary Serbia”, and within the framework of the sub-project “Geopolitics and religion: the influence of religious trends on strategic geopolitical streams in Serbia and the Balkans” of the mentioned umbrella project, a discussion is organized on the relationship between Christianity and Diplomacy, which consists of an introductory lecture by an academic guest – prof. dr. Bogdan Lubardić and discussions on the topic after his presentation.

In the first part of the event prof. dr. Bogdan Lubardić, full professor of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade, will give a lecture on the topic, for a duration of 30 minutes. In his presentation, he will touch on the common foundation of Christianity and diplomacy, which are, in principle, directed towards the peaceful resolution of social and political conflicts, and both represent traditional civilizational achievements of pacifying social divisions and conflicts. In this sense, the thesis will be presented that Christianity can offer real-politics an ethical normative framework so that the field of politics does not fall completely into naked pragmatism, while real-politics can offer Christianity and religion in general a factual framework for social action in the direction of concrete pacification of social conflicts and splits, according to the peaceful religious normative pattern.

The second part of the panel, lasting 30 minutes, will consist of a conversation with the presenter about his announcement, which will be led by dr. Neven Cvetićanin, Senior Research Associate of the Institute of Social Sciences, and which will include questions from the audience within the framework of the presented topic.

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