Book Presentation: “A Different World” by Ognjen Pribićević

In his book “A Different World: Trump, Brexit, and the War in Ukraine”, Ognjen Pribićević analyzes complex crises and conflicts whose final outcomes are, for now, difficult to predict, as well as events that have directly or indirectly led to them.

Pribićević illustrates that the world is facing three levels of crisis: the collapse of the existing international order, institutions, and, most significantly, human capital.

These three levels of crisis seriously call into question humanity’s ability to continue functioning according to established norms, raising the question of what can be done to avoid new crises, including those with potentially catastrophic outcomes.


  • Dragan Simić, Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences
  • Slobodan Zečević, Director of the Institute of European Studies
  • Aleksandar Životić, Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy
  • The author

Content  of a Different World:

  • Introduction, or the Great Social Crisis Challenging the Ability of States and People to Make Rational Decisions
  • The United Kingdom between the Scottish and European Referendums
  • British Diplomacy of Money and Trade
  • The Return of Ideology: A Solution for the Failing Social Democracy – The Case of Corbyn
  • Trump and the Crisis of the Global Liberal Order
  • Trump, Brexit, and Russia
  • Trump, Johnson, and the New Primitivism
  • The Great Failure – Western Foreign Policy Towards Serbia and the Western Balkans Following the Dissolution of Yugoslavia
  • The War in Ukraine

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Јавни конкурс за попуњавање радног места – директор Института друштвених наука

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