It is honor to invite you to attend a lecture of our colleague Sara Stanić Jovanović as part of the cycle of lectures by new researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences.
In recent years, apitourism or beekeeping tourism represents a modern trend in the tourist market, but also a development opportunity when it comes to rural tourism. Created less than a decade ago in the Republic of Slovenia, after the Government of this country adopted a strategy of integrating beekeeping and tourism, it can be classified as selective, that is, specific or special forms of tourism.
Due to the health benefits in the segment of apitherapy, it is often associated with health tourism, while its characteristics are inevitably associated with rural tourism. Apitourism promotes the culture and traditions of rural communities in a sustainable way and includes a visit to beekeeping farms where tourists can observe the activities of beekeepers, but also actively participate in them.
The aim of this lectures is promoting new researchers and familiarization with their previous work.