Fields of research

General sociology and sociology and other scientific disciplines

Current research projects

General sociology and sociology and other scientific disciplines

Areas of expertise

Theoretical and empirical research and analysis of all social phenomena.


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification: PhD 2019, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

She finished BA, MA and PhD in sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Ana Vuković’s scientific research work includes theoretical and empirical research of various phenomena from a sociological point of view. During her work so far, she has independently organized and conducted several empirical (qualitative and quantitative) researches. The research phenomena and areas of interest so far include: general sociology, sociology of politics, education, social history and the connection of sociology with other scientific disciplines. She participated in projects of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, as well as in scientific gatherings and conferences in the country and abroad.

Major publications

  • Vuković, Ana (2009). (Suppressed or Self-restrained? Women in Politics in the Opinion of Political Elite in Serbia). Potisnute ili samopritajene? Žene u politici prema mišljenju političke elite u Srbiji. Beograd: Službeni glasnik. Monograph
  • Vuković, A. (2012). Development of the Center for sociological research, Institute of Social Sciences [Razvojni put Centra za sociološka istraživanja Instituta društvenih nauka], Sociološki pregled, vol.46, br.3. pp. 441-460.
  • Vuković, A. (2020). Knowledge Management Concept and Subculture: Police Profession Example. Nauka i društvo: časopis za društvene nauke (12). pp. 16-35.
  • Vuković, A. (2022). Crisis of the Role of Family and Education and Children’s violent Behavior  [Kriza uloge porodice i obrazovanja i nasilno ponašanje dece]. In M. Zirojević (ed.): Nasilje i deca. Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, pp. 37-44.
  • Vuković, A. (2014). Attitudes of women politicians about women’s political participation in Serbia – five years later [Stavovi političarki o ženskoj političkoj participaciji u Srbiji – pet godina kasnije], Sociološki pregled, god.XLVIII, br. 3, str.397-417.

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