Centre for Legal Research


Equitable Policies and Services for Rare Disease Patients (Jednakost u politikama i uslugama za pacijente sa retkim bolestima)

Project funder

Joint work on publishing the results of the project by the European Commission with the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Healthcare Law SUPRAM

Joint work on publishing the results of the project by the European Commission with the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Healthcare Law SUPRAM


Securing Health Care in Line with Human Rights Standards for Persons with Disabilities in Residential Institutions in Serbia (Standardi u pružanju zdravstvene zaštite osobama smeštenim u rezidencijalne ustanove)

Project funder

Joint work on publishing the results of the project by the European Commission with the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Healthcare Law SUPRAM


Draft Code of Physicians’ Ethics, Project of Support to Civil Society (Nacrt kodeksa lekarske etike. projekat podrške civilnom društvu)

Project funder

Joint project with the Association for Medical Law 

Open Society Foundation

Project Leader


Medical Law and Medical Ethics in the Present Day Europe and Serbia (Medicinsko pravo i medicinska etika u savremenoj Evropi i Srbiji)

Project funder

Project of support to civil society with the Association for Medical Law 

Open Society Foundation

Project Leader


Assisting Patients in Realising their Rights – West Europe as a Role Model for Serbia (Pomoć pacijentima u ostvarivanju njihovih prava – Zapadna Evropa kao uzor Srbiji)

Project funder

Project of support to civil society with the Association for Medical Law 

Open Society Foundation

Project Leader

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