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Citizens on the Democratic Transformation of Serbia

Research leader

Members of the Centre for Political Science Research and Public Opinion of the ISS.

Research financier

Institute of Social Sciences 

person standing near table


Value Attitudes of the Citizens about the Democratic Transformation of Serbia in the Last Three Decades (1990-2022)


Public opinion research


The research is dedicated to the attitudes of the citizens concerning current social and political issues, as well as to their perception of the political process, i.e. the democratic transformation in the last three decades.


The intention was to get insight into the way in which Serbian citizens perceive social and political situation in Serbia as it has been since the reintroduction of the multiparty system. The intention is not merely to describe these perceptions, but also to analyse the factors that have impact on the individual and group differences in these perceptions.


A survey research of the national scope made on an appropriate sample of respondents, based on individual filling in of the survey questionnaire on the internet (majority of the sample), or filling in of the printed questionnaire.

Some of the main subjects contained in the applied questionnaire include interest in politics, attitudes to democratisation process, political efficiency of and trust in institutions, positions concerning the role of women in politics, evaluation of government performance, sense of the national and European identity, election behaviour in the current and earlier elections, party identification and attitudes towards political parties, self-positioning on the Left-Right scale and in other ideological dimensions, participation in citizen protests, perception of different political events and processes in the last three decades, etc. The questions in the questionnaire were grouped in 53 groups, while the total number of questions was around 180.

The questionnaire was filled in by the respondents in two ways, depending on the manner of their recruitment. The respondents that had been invited to participate in the survey via a direct mail, had a chance to select whether they wished to fill the questionnaire in via the internet (online), or to receive a printed copy of the questionnaire.

Completion of the questionnaire lasted for 26 minutes on average (median).


The JMS 2022/65 database, with the answers provided by more than three thousand respondents. The data were used in analyses the results of which have been presented at scientific conferences and in publications.

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