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Petra Vidaković Cvetković

Year of obtaining the highest degree


Fields of research

Philosophy of mind; philosophy of cognition; philosophy of science; metaphysics

Current research projects

Philosophy of mind and cognition; the problem of personal identity, moral and legal status of artificial intelligence


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification> MA 2024.

Petra Vidaković Cvetković was born in 2000 in Belgrade. She completed her BA studies in philosophy in 2023 at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, defending her thesis on “Kant’s Solution to the Dispute Between Absolutists and Relationalists”. In 2024, she defended her master’s thesis titled “The Problem of Personal Identity and Artificial Intelligence”. That same year, she enrolled in doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy at the same faculty, intending to continue her research in the fields of philosophy of mind and cognition, metaphysics, philosophy of science, metaethics, and the application of these disciplines to the case of artificial intelligence.

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

Scholarship of the Ministry of Education

 Work in education

Teacher of philosophy and logic at the Philological Gymnasium in Belgrade

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