Demographic change, labour rights & social security: Challenges, choices & opportunities

The aim of the thematic issue The aim of the thematic issue is to bring together authors dedicated to the study of various branches of law (labour law, social security law, international labour law, human rights law, insurance law), but also authors from other scientific fields dealing with labour and social security (economics, demography, social policy, sociology of work), in order to offer theoretical and practical insights into issues related to the impact of demographic change on the world of work and social security systems. Papers selected for the thematic issue will strive to show the ways in which demographic phenomena, labour rights and protection from social risks intersect in the context of social, political, economic and technological changes. They will also identify legal and other instruments that contribute to the creation of the conditions for enjoyment of labour rights, and other related economic and social rights. Authors can send theoretical articles, as well as articles based on empirical research and methods.

Сажеци најкасније до 15. априла 2023.
Радови најкасније до 1. септембра 2023.


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