Regional Tea Party: Perspectives of multiethnic life in Kosovo

Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Stefan Surlić from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade will speak on this topic with the aim of showing that post-conflict is not a time-bounded period, but rather, that it is an institutionalized practice, a permanent political situation that has direct consequences for the multiethnic perspective of Kosovo. It is assumed that the clear intention of international representatives to establish a multiethnic society through Ahtisaari plan and Brussels Agreement that would stop and in turn, prevent the outbreak of a new conflict, has produced unintended consequences – instead of bringing about integration and multiethnic interaction, mechanisms of protection and representation of different communities have strengthened divided society in permanent post-conflict discourse. Through the analysis of previous research and various events that have happened recently, the lecture will try to provide an overview of the post-conflict dependence path in Kosovo.

The series of lectures “Regional tea party on Thursdays at 18:00” is organized by the Institute of Social Sciences and the Academic Network for Cooperation in South East Europe.

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Annual program of the "Regional Tea Party" seminar

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