ESS-SUSTAIN-2 Final Consortium Meeting

Several researchers affiliated with the IDN participated in the ESS-SUSTAIN-2 Final Consortium Meeting in Brussels on February 20th and 21st, alongside representatives from ESS ERIC and many researchers involved in the implementation of the European Social Survey (ESS) across Europe.

During several meetings on the first day, discussions focused on the linkage of ESS with other research infrastructures such as the European Values Study (EVS), promoting ESS data among key European decision-makers, developing and consolidating membership with an emphasis on the Western Balkans European Social Survey Regional Network (WBESS), optimizing the implementation of ESS in the future, as well as the methodology of the CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) panel.

On the second day, discussions revolved around the possibilities and findings stemming from CRONOS-2, as well as the future funding of this panel. Additionally, the emphasis of discussion was placed on the future funding of ESS infrastructure in general.


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