Sanja Stojković Zlatanović

Year of obtaining the highest degree

Ph.D. 2016

Member of the Transformation Team of the Institute of Social Sciences

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Tehnological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Fields of research

Labour law; Social Security law; Health Care law; Antidiscrimination law; Environmental and Occupational Health Law and Policy

Current research projects

Fundamental research related to the conceptual and theoretical standpoints in terms of development perspective and the future of Labor Law as a legal discipline, including an overview and analysis of contemporary legislation, public policy and, legal practice. All mentioned, in the context of modern approaches to redefine traditional labor law institutes and adapt to changes, toward achieving the goals of sustainable development in terms of digital and green transition, i.e. ensuring dignity at work for all vulnerable categories of workers, according to the principle of equality, while simultaneously respecting environmental standards. A special field of research interest is related to the following issues: the status of platform workers, and economically dependent workers, also gender aspects of labour, and mental health at the workplace.


Sanja completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law (general average grade 9.45/100), during which time she was awarded Commendations from the Faculty of Law for excellent success in learning and acquiring knowledge. She also received a diploma from the Faculty of Law for her remarkable success in the Rhetoric course, which she finished with honors. After that, she enrolled in doctoral studies, where defended her pre-doctoral thesis with honors in 2012, and in 2016 obtained the scientific title of Doctor of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Public Law scientific field, sub-module of Labour and Social Law (Supervisors – Prof. Dr. Branko Lubarda and Prof. Dr. Marija Draškić). So far, over 50 scientific papers in national and international journals and proceedings from the scientific conferences have been published, as well as one monograph. Sanja participated as a team member in projects of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, in projects financed by the European Union, and also as a team member and Team leader, she was engaged in the implementation of public policy projects financed by international development organizations and the non-governmental sector. In 2022, she conducted a short research visit at the University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Law, Republic of Slovenia in the field of Social law, with a special focus on the social security rights of workers engaged on the basis of non-standard forms of work (supervisor – Prof. Dr. Grega Strban).

Membership of professional organisations

  • The Business Lawyers Association of the Republic of Serbia
  • Association of Lawyers for Medical and Health Care Law of Serbia – SUPRAM

Major publications

Personal pages

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